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01604 434079

Community Development

Community Development is at the heart of everything that is delivered to the benefit of local people. Whether communities are defined by geographical area, cultural links, specific needs, religion or sex we use the Community Development model to support the growth and development of communities for the long term.

We work with community’s short term and long term to support the delivery are work to their target audience. Examples of this would be supporting a Children’s Centre for 12 months to increase registration, participation and attendance of specific targeted families. Other work includes supporting a Community Centre for 6 months, being their Community Development team improving access to services and increasing income for a sustainable future along with the development of a Business Plan support them to move forward.

We also offer a one day Community Development training programme give you and your community the tools to develop.

Whether you need us to become your Community Development department or are just looking for some support we can offer one to one support specifically meeting your needs. For more information on how we can support you and your community please contact