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Business Plan Writing

As Winston Churchill once said “He who fails to plan is planning to fail!”

Over the last 7 years our team at Building Business have worked with lots of businesses, there has been a big difference between those that succeed and those that fail. So what is the secret to success? Its all about the Plan! We will work on a plan whether that be a start up or a development plan ensuring your have your future direction mapped out. Giving you the tools for success.

We will work with you to complete a business plan whether that be to access funding, to take to a potential investor, or as your plan for the future we use a basic one page business planning template that we feel covers it all!

One thing essential to us when working on any Business Plan is the time and input from the organisation, the plan is theirs and belongs to them, they should know the content inside and out and it should be an essential tool for them to use.

Whether it be on a back of a beer mat or a 50 page word document we are here to help!

Our key Business planning ingredients are: background, operations, marketing, financials and contingency

Business Planning services we offer:
1. Working with you to develop a a comprehensive Business Plan. Many of our clients are small businesses with no additional staff in this situation we work with you to develop and outline of the plan and our team then fill in the content.
2. We deliver training workshops bespoke to your organisation dependent upon your needs
3. We offer our in-house courses:
Planning for success, taking you through a business plan step by step giving you the tools to develop a comprehensive plan by the end of the session (this is normally delivered as part of a 5 week Business Start Up Course)