Enterprising People: Building Better Opportunities
Enterprising People is a partnership of organisations led by TCHC to provide support in helping you progress towards self-employment, starting your own business or into work. Whatever challenges you feel are holding you back we want to help you overcome them.
Whether its a lack of self-belief, disability, language barriers, childcare or other issues. Whatever you face our network of support will work with you to address these barriers and help guide you on the way to being self sufficient.
Here at Building Business, our start-up course helps you to explore ideas, interests and hobbies with a view to developing them into a business. Our bespoke programme will take you on a journey through business start-up, to help start up your business.
For more information please email annie@buildingbusiness.org.uk or nicola@buildingbusiness.org.uk
‘This project is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund..’